“A plumber whose arm was left twisted grotesquely out of shape in an accident ten months ago has had an operation to correct it ‘cancelled four times’. Torron Eeles, 50, has been left unable to work since falling down the stairs and now fears he may lose his home after being denied incapacity benefit. The father-of-three today hit out at the NHS for the ‘unacceptable delays’, but East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust said Mr Eeles had his operation cancelled on ‘only’ two occasions on clinical safety grounds. His left arm has hung limply by his side since he fractured the humerus bone in December 2008. Mr Eeles, from Welham Green, Hertfordshire, applied for employment and support allowance but a doctor ruled he is ineligible for both because he can turn on a tap.”
Kesian kan? lengan dah macam kena pulas akibat jatuh dari tangga..so korang kalau buat kerja tu hati-hati la ye, accident boleh berlaku di mana-mana..utamakan safety.